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Our Manifesto

Reframe Reality with Visual Intelligence

In an era where technology often distances us from what truly matters, we seek to reconnect you with the visual world that inspires.

Chance AI's mission is to transform visual content engagement across industries through advanced visual intelligence. We use AI-powered visual search to unveil hidden stories in images, making visual experiences more meaningful and accessible. 

Chance AI. AI-Powered Visual Search - Search by Seeing



AI-Powered Visual Search

Visual Intelligence: Reframe Reality with AI

Chance AI lets you search what you see, uncovering hidden narratives and context. Discover the stories visually and interact seamlessly with images.


Feeling confused when encountering something unfamiliar? Imagine being at a museum, immersed in contemporary art. With Chance AI, simply use your camera to recognize objects and uncover the rich narratives beneath the surface, transforming your perception of art and reality effortlessly.


Our technology recognizes not only artwork but also product designs, architecture, pets, planets, portraits, and photography. There’s so much more to discover!

Search by Seeing

If you can see it, you can search it

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Ever imagined speaking directly to an image? With Chance AI, you can interact with recognized objects to access information, news, and stories. Connect with experts who know them best and effortlessly explore a world of knowledge.

Engage and Explore

Conversations with Images

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Keep yourself updated with curated news, including exhibitions, local events, intriguing book insights, and stories behind images—all collected by AI technology. Unlike social media, there's no personalized algorithm influencing what you see; it’s all tailored just for you!

Discover Fresh Insights

Stay Informed without Algorithms

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Enjoy seamless accessibility with Chance. Our inclusive design features audio and voice support, powered by AI technology, to provide an emotional and immersive experience for everyone.

Inclusive Design for All

Immersive Audio Experience

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"Try to make the kind of art and things that will inspire others to make art and things."

Kevin Kelly

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